A Few Favorites from the Wedding Weekend

The wedding weekend is now behind us but we're still trying to catch up on sleep! 

I managed to sort through the photos I shot over the weekend. I didn't shoot all that many photos compared to how much I usually shoot. Actually, relatively speaking, I shot very few photos. There are a few reasons for this... I was exhausted, Sheila was exhausted and feeling quite miserable, my spinal injuries were screaming, there was a photographer present anyway, and I was there to enjoy Liza's wedding not shoot photos all weekend. At one point shortly after the wedding ceremony, I insisted that I was done shooting photos so I could spend all my time with Sheila at the wedding rather than being distracted by photography.

Sheila is still recovering from her radiation treatment so that already had her worn out and hurting a bit. That certainly played into how she felt over the weekend. Her immune system is seriously compromised so she's been fighting off every cold and infection floating around everyone around us. Aside from being exhausted and completely spent, she had a full blown flu-like cold. Sheila even had a fever on and off throughout the weekend.

My biggest struggle throughout the weekend was my spinal injuries. The pain was continuous and varying between a six and a nine on the ten point pain scale. The morning of the wedding, my spinal pain was quite brutal and we even discussed which hospital we might trust, just in case. (The options in this neck of the woods were not good!) I seemed to spend most of the weekend simply trying to get through one hour at a time. 

All in all, even considering both Sheila and I felt quite lousy, we had a really nice time since it is always nice to get away for a bit... especially after four solid months of cancer treatment. Most of all, although we didn't have the energy to do much at the wedding, we were very happy to be present for Liza and John's wedding and we wish Liza, John, Lukey and Kenzie a very healthy and happy life together!

Until I find the energy to write more about the wedding weekend, here are a few of my favorite photos from this weekend...

Sue nudged me to get this shot so we have her to thank for it. During the formal photo session, Kenzie managed to get a large splinter from the wicker basket she was holding and required (insisted upon, actually) some medical attention from mom...
