Some Monochrome Landscape Photos
I had another rather lousy day yesterday. I awoke in the morning having difficulty breathing. My breathing improved a bit after I got up and took my morning dose of medications but I continued having difficulty breathing off and on throughout the day. At this point, I'm really at a loss for what might be causing this ongoing breathing problem... generic medications as opposed to brand-name medications?... a worsened mast cell condition?... a new condition that is more acute?... having COVID again but continued to test negative?... I really have no idea and I'm thinking we won't have any idea until after my next bone marrow biopsy. That is scheduled for early in March so I have one more month to wait. Most of yesterday was spent on the couch but I did manage to spend some time at the computer editing a few landscape photos. This first photo was shot in Burlington on Lake Champlain... The State Capitol in...