
Showing posts from January 17, 2016

It Was A Peaceful Weekend

Sheila and I had a very peaceful weekend... and it was a much needed peaceful weekend! I'm trying to recover from our Christmas festivities and rest for our big upcoming train show weekend so this peaceful weekend was welcomed. The only two things I accomplished over the weekend was to help Sheila dig out the cars and shovel snow from our driveway yesterday afternoon and I assembled two new stools for our kitchen table. (Next on my list of fairly big projects is to make a new larger table to accommodate six of us for dinner.) I haven't posted many photos lately so here are a few very recent photos of the kids... Through the window of her dollhouse...

Pulling Focus

I've really been struggling with attaining video quality that meets my own standards. Contrary to what most people may think, although there are some similarities between photography and videography, there are very significant differences. I'm pretty good with photography but videography is something I would like to learn to do just as well. I've had to learn about file formats, frames per second, how shutter speed affects video and is not nearly as flexible as in photography, and how to find correct exposure when locking down frames per second and that shutter speed. I've learned that there is vastly less flexibility in attaining correct exposure in video when compared to photography.  I've had to learn about post-production editing and that will always be an on-going process. I actually like this part of the video process but I could definitely use a new Quadro graphics card to help make things flow more smoothly throughout this process. (It's on my wish ...