Christmas Ornaments

I was playing around with my new Sony a6000 camera this evening and the obvious things to practice shooting were all the Christmas ornaments throughout the house. The difficulty with these shots in particular is that this is a very low light situation which normally would demand the use of a tripod and long shutter speeds. I decided the push the camera to its limits and use faster shutter speeds, a regular "kit" lens, and no tripod. Adding a flash to these photos would have ruined the mood of the scene so adding a flash wasn't an option either. This means that if I didn't want to use a tripod, I needed to move into very high ISO sensitivities... which normally would mean very grainy, noisy and oftentimes blurry photos. As you can see in the photos, below, this new camera held up well! I understand that most people probably have no clue what it means to boast of a camera using high sensitivities so let me explain just a little bit to add some perspective. Alm...