White Light Solar Imaging
I had previously written about solar imaging in Calcium K (CaK). In that imaging session, I had used one of my usual nice little refractor telescopes (Skywatcher ED 72mm refractor). This time I am revisiting an imaging session done in white light when I used a really lousy little Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope. This telescope is the Orion Apex 102mm Maksutov-Cassegrain (uggg... I really hate a lot of characteristics of all reflector telescopes and this tiny little guy is no exception) . Seriously, I do not like this little telescope at all. I was told that a Mak-Cass would be "razor-sharp" yet this Mak-Cass does not provide a crisp image when compared to any of my refractor telescopes... not even when compared to my sub-$100 70mm achromatic telescope. It occasionally needs to be tediously collimated so that the mirrors are perfectly aligned otherwise the views are even significantly worse. Collimating a Mak-Cass is tedious and...