
Showing posts with the label scratched

Scratched Cornea

I didn't get any sleep the night before last.  I awoke early in the night during a dream about having a throbbing scab on my eye.  When I awoke from my couple of hours of sleep, I quickly realized that the painful eye was not just in my dream.  My eye was actually throbbing in my waking life. I shouldn't really call it "throbbing" because the frequency of the throbs was much slower than you think of when you hear about throbbing pain.  It was really a ten second extremely painful period followed by about 30 seconds of very little pain.  Although a slow throb, it continued at this frequency and severity which made sleep impossible. I got up immediately when I awoke from this dream so I could check my eye.  It was all red, irritated, but I saw no obvious problems.  For a little while, I assumed that perhaps I was developing Conjunctivitis.  I washed my eye with eye wash and then used some Natural Tears.  Both of these products stung terribly....