Wheelchair Shopping
Those who are following this blog fairly regularly, probably already know I've been struggling for about a year with the idea of whether or not it is time to purchase a wheelchair. Well, there now is no doubt that I am well beyond the need to purchase a wheelchair for those times when my legs and/or spine are not cooperating with my brain or for when walking is far too difficult... no doubt whatsoever. What I am now struggling with is choosing a wheelchair suited to my needs. Some wheelchairs are designed for those with foot or leg issues. Some wheelchairs are designed for those permanently needing a wheelchair for mobility. Some wheelchairs are designed to be controlled by a caregiver while other wheelchairs are designed to be self-propelled. Some wheelchairs are adjustable one way but not other ways... some are adjustable in different ways... while some wheelchairs are not adjustable in any way other than folding for storage. Of course, I've never really noticed sig...