Continued Problems with Furnace
I only got about two hours of sleep last night due to furnace problems and this furnace nonsense is seriously affecting my health. Our furnace is still not working as it should. I nursed it all night long last night to keep the house above 60 degrees. Then it failed to ignite again this morning, twice. I tried bleeding the line but that produced no air. While bleeding, it did ignite, again. It then failed to ignite again on the next cycle... and again... so, sometimes it ignites, sometimes it doesn't... sometimes it loses ignition in mid-cycle, sometimes it doesn't. In the meantime, we've called the fuel company and they are sending someone as soon as possible at no charge. No charge for this service helps alleviate some of the pain of this ongoing problem but this is still frustrating and nerve-racking. My health is still quite poor so any little thing seems to trigger significant health issues setting...