Progress on Stone Pathway
I am just now getting back into a groove at home which finds me making some progress in our home renovations. As everyone already knows, much of this is completely dependent upon my health. I only manage to get a little bit accomplished each month. Not only do I struggle with my spinal injuries when trying to accomplish things around the house, but I also struggle with Systemic Mastocytosis. Avoiding anaphylaxis is a top priority which means avoiding overdoing it, staying hydrated, staying medicated with a huge cocktail of medications, and trying not to overheat my body. There are many things which can cause my health to become unstable and ruin my week... or month... and any activity compounds this risk. You can't really see it in this small photo but all that dirt between the stones is now seeded for grass. This weekend, however, I managed to make some headway on our stone pathway that connects the house to the area where I intend to build an outdoor kitchen grilli...