Arts and Crafts
My health seems to be slowly recovering (from these latest issues) which has allowed me to have a fairly productive day for a change. Well... by "day", I really mean morning. I sleep every afternoon so nothing ever gets accomplished in the afternoons. I did have a relatively good morning though and I have to say, "it's about time!" I've been getting a bit anxious about getting everything ready for Christmas since my health has caused my to-do list to do nothing but grow longer and longer since before we headed to the lake house in June. It was nice to be able to do a few things around the house this morning like laundry and other little projects. Mostly, my priority right now is to get a jump on getting ready for Christmas in case my health deteriorates again. We've managed to get most of our Christmas shopping out of the way and, today, I started to pull out some Christmas decorations. We should have some good weather over the next two days so I ho...