
Showing posts with the label overwhelming

Overwhelming Fatigue

Just about all of my "cold and flu" symptoms seem to be behind me but my level of fatigue is still quite overwhelming.  I spent just about all of this past weekend sleeping.  I awoke only to use the bathroom, eat and take medications.   I still have some minor symptoms of a cold...  some gunk in my nose and running down the back of my throat at times.  The fever has been gone for days though so that is good.  Headaches still come and go but are so minimal at this point that they are hardly worth mentioning.  I still get bouts of difficulty breathing but that could be due to my primary illness since I do experience this regularly anyway.  What I was experiencing a month or two ago, however, was well beyond my usual breathing problems (since being on medications to control these problems).  Overall, most of these untested, undiagnosed "cold and flu" symptoms seemed to have dissipated.  The fatigue is worse than usual though. ...

January is a Brutal Month

The few months after Christmas are always rough months for my health so I always expect health issues after the ramp-up to Christmas. This year is no different except that my energy levels seem to be at an all-time low too. Leading up to Christmas and through Christmas, I pound extra medications... adrenaline is flowing... and, I'm careful about my diet and managing energy. Once Christmas Day has passed, I'm exhausted... I mean completely spent... I mean overwhelmingly fatigued... I mean that just taking a shower oftentimes will use up whatever energy I had to use for that particular day. All this fatigue is accompanied by bone and joint pain. The joint pain is easy to describe... it feels like an ice pick being stabbed into the joint... my ankles hurt, my knees hurt, my hips hurt, my spine hurts, my shoulders hurt, my elbows hurt, my wrists hurt, my fingers hurt. If I attempt to hold anything... ie, a plate while attempting to wash a few dishes... the pain in my fingers, w...

Anaphylaxis In My Sleep, continued...

We had a busy weekend again with the grandchildren. It is always nice to have them around but this weekend my health did not cooperate. I screwed up a dose of medications on Saturday... and, other than a 15 minute snooze in the car on the way back from Burlington, I missed my usual 2 hour daily nap... and now my health is paying for these problems. I could barely keep my eyes open on Sunday (yesterday). I felt as though I had been heavily drugged and was fighting losing consciousness. I finally had a chance to lay on the couch in the afternoon to try to get some much needed rest. I slept for about two hours but I had a very difficult time waking myself up enough to even get up off the couch. I would try to awaken but my eyes wouldn't stay open and I would fall asleep again... and then again... and again.  As I was lying there, fighting falling asleep yet again, I was wondering if I might have experienced anaphylaxis in my sleep again.  The post anaphylaxis symptoms are v...

Overwhelming Fatigue

I've been feeling a bit better the past few days as related to the lingering cold that Sheila and I have been struggling with since January. Now I am struggling with lingering fatigue... an oppressingly overwhelming fatigue which defies any accurate description. I slept for 11 hours last night... 10 hours a night has been the norm since this cold started in January. I've also been sleeping for 3-4 hours every afternoon... and, sometimes, I've been napping for upwards of 5 hours. That doesn't leave much time awake each day! I manage to get beyond breakfast each day... make my lunch... but then have no energy for cooking dinner. I rarely even have the energy to shower although I do shower on some days but must skip breakfast in order to save some energy so I can shower.   Energy management... everything is a trade-off. My body is rundown and I can't seem to accomplish much. Needless to say, I am quite bored and feel the need to accomplish something.  A fe...