
Every now and then, someone with my illness feels the need to reach out and contact me for advice.  Currently, I respond to each and every request for information, advice or even some guidance.  This is a herculean task but, thus far, I have been able to respond to each and every request made of me through my blog so I continue to welcome this sort of contact.

During those 'poor health' periods I do push everything aside but when I am feeling well and have some extra time, I do enjoy helping newly diagnosed patients.  For this reason, I am including my email address below.  Just please understand that when my health is poor, there is little time nor energy for me to be of much help while I am struggling with my health.  I will, however, lend a hand and some advice the moment I am feeling up to it so feel free to contact me.

I shouldn't need to mention this but, of course, if you are an old friend or family member I have not talked with recently and you have somehow stumbled upon this blog, please feel free to contact me if you'd like to say hi.  I'm always open to catching up!
