Liza's Graduation
I wrote a quick blog entry the other day about Liza's graduation ceremony so I could share a few photos rather quickly. This morning, I'll share a few more photos, a small photo album and a very short video. As I wrote previously, we are all very proud of what Liza has managed to accomplish. Attaining her BA in Psychology was no small feat. Attaining this degree with a high GPA is even more impressive. We are proud of her and she should be proud of herself. If one would like to skip this blog entry and run directly to the photo album, here is the link: Liza's Graduation - 13 May 2017 Edit: After a week or so, I swapped out the color portraits for black and white versions. I never liked those color versions because there were far too many wildly varying bright colors fighting against wildly differing patterns. (This is a problem I always encounter when shooting photos of the grandchildren too.) I converted these portraits to black and white so I could at le...