
Showing posts with the label inhaler

A Lousy Epinephrine-type of Day

I've been feeling rather lousy for the past week or more so it was not much of a surprise when I quickly realized this morning that today wasn't going to be much better.  For the most part, I've been extremely fatigued and inexplicably weak over the past week.  My usual bone, joint and spinal pain has been far worse as well.  I have pain all day every day but far too often this pain dips into severely debilitating levels.  This is where my health has been lately.   I've also been feeling "not right".  Sometimes I just can't put my finger on what is wrong.  All I know is I don't feel right.  I think this is usually due to multiple symptoms spiraling down into the debilitating levels but no single symptom seems to stand out.  Regardless of why I feel this way, I have been feeling this way lately.  Late this morning, I began having some difficulty breathing.  No red flags were waving in my head though because this is a common occu...

A Miserable Couple of Days

I slept for a total of three and a half hours the other night...  I was having a dream about doing electrical work on some house but I wasn't having much success...  wires were exposed and lighting fixtures were hanging from ceilings...  nothing seemed to be working correctly...  then I started having great difficulty breathing in the dream.  I was calling out for help but it seemed as though nobody really cared that I couldn't breath and were even acting as though I wasn't even there...  maybe I was stuck in some other dimension...  at this point, I awoke and realized that I was indeed having great difficulty breathing.   I then grabbed my inhaler...  two puffs...  no improvement.  There is nothing new with that...  my inhaler rarely helps more than just slightly.  I took two more puffs about five minutes later and I finally was able to get a halfway decent breath of air after another few minutes of waiting for some ...