A Miserable Couple of Days
I slept for a total of three and a half hours the other night... I was having a dream about doing electrical work on some house but I wasn't having much success... wires were exposed and lighting fixtures were hanging from ceilings... nothing seemed to be working correctly... then I started having great difficulty breathing in the dream. I was calling out for help but it seemed as though nobody really cared that I couldn't breath and were even acting as though I wasn't even there... maybe I was stuck in some other dimension... at this point, I awoke and realized that I was indeed having great difficulty breathing.
I then grabbed my inhaler... two puffs... no improvement. There is nothing new with that... my inhaler rarely helps more than just slightly. I took two more puffs about five minutes later and I finally was able to get a halfway decent breath of air after another few minutes of waiting for some improvement.
It was time at add more medications to my body and I needed to use the bathroom at this point so I headed to the bathroom with my bag of medications. When I returned to bed, there was no way I was going to be able to sleep. I was still having difficulty breathing and I was in a significant amount of pain... my bones, joints and spine were making me uncomfortable enough to make sleeping difficult. The breathing problem, however, was still my biggest issue keeping me from sleeping. I decided to do some reading with my inhalers and epinephrine on the nightstand next to me.
A few hours later, Sheila's alarm woke her up and she immediately asked why I was awake and reading. Then she asked how long I had been up. We both knew that the day, for me, was a loss at this point. Fatigue always makes my health worse and this would be a day of overwhelming fatigue, continued breathing problems and pain.
I got up out of bed shortly after Sheila got up for work. I took some epinephrine and that helped my breathing a bit. Then I took my morning dose of medications. By now, I was also experiencing increased bone and joint pain. Mostly, however, I was exhausted.
I ended up sleeping most of the day. When it came time for bed again, I took some extra medications in the hope of stabilizing my health again. Unfortunately, these extra medications make me incredibly drowsy so today was a day of struggling with drowsiness during my few waking hours. Much of the day today was also spent sleeping. When I was awake, the drowsiness made me a bit dopier than usual (yes, I can get dopier). Trying to accomplish anything of significance is impossible during these periods. I do try to stay busy but, unfortunately, productive or significant accomplishments are simply not possible.
Actually, as I'm typing this, I'm noticing that I am still having some mild breathing issues. I rarely remember to check my O2 level while I'm having great difficulty breathing in the middle of the night. My focus is on trying to catch my breath and get a good breath of air but I just checked my O2 level now and I am still at 92% which explains the mild breathing issues that I am still experiencing. A rough estimate would be that my O2 level was in the low 80's the other night.
The bone, joint and spinal pain continues to be painful enough to add to my sleeping difficulties but, hopefully, I'll get some rest tonight.
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