Old Panasonic Lumix Color Photos
T oday I went digging into old hard drives searching for some old photos from the camera that I just sent in to be converted to Monochrome Infrared. The camera I am having converted to monochrome is my old Panasonic Lumix G3. I won't be able to shoot color photos with this camera anymore so I figured I should dig out some old color photos that I shot using this camera as a reminder of its colorful days. Truth be told, I never really shot a whole lot of photos using this camera. For a relatively short one or two summers, however, it was my main camera for wildlife photography while at the lake house due to its slightly larger crop factor (2x) which provided me with a longer zoom. I have captured quite a few really nice images of loons, ducks, and nature but each of those images always needed a lot of post-processing work. This camera was replaced as my primary wildlife photography camera when I purchased my first Sony camera. Those Sony cameras p...