
Showing posts with the label two telescopes

Side by Side Telescopes

S ometimes, when Sheila or the grandkids are observing the sky with me, I can't help but think that having two telescopes mounted side-by-side would make things a bit easier.  For years, I've been saying that I'll put together a piece of hardware to allow me to do this but I never got around to it.  I could always set up two complete telescopes with two complete mounts but that is a lot more work.  Plus, then I would be going back and forth between the two mounts making sure they are both centered on the object we are observing.  A way to mount two telescopes side-by-side, tracking together on the same mount, would be a bit easier.   Well, while I was laid up with my knee injury (I'm still mostly laid up with this knee injury), I was doing some internet surfing looking at astronomy parts.  I found a source for a nice heavy duty dovetail mounting plate that would be perfect for this assembly and I already knew I had a good source for two saddles. ...