Starting on Light Physical Therapy
I am still in significant pain but I'm now managing to accomplish a few small things for very short durations each day. It hurts to do anything but I'm getting up off the couch a few times each day. Although the pain is still rather brutal, I have started on some very light physical therapy which should help in my recovery. My spinal injuries are another one of those things where I get knocked down and sent back to square one far too often. This is definitely one of those times. Actually, this time around, the pain is so bad and so consistent that it is reminding me of my original line-of-duty injury. Things were bad after both my first and second line-of-duty spinal injuries so it is a bit frustrating to be back at this point 25 years ago once again. 25 years ago, the physical therapy required to walk fairly normally again was intense... eight hours a day, five days a week, for six weeks. After the six weeks, the amount of time in ...