Home Movie of Kenzie Figure Skating

I n mid-August, we went to another one of Kenzie's figure skating lessons and practice sessions. I really enjoy going to these sessions because, when the rink is empty such as it is during these sessions, I have access to the ice from one of the team benches rather than from behind hockey-puck-marred glass in the stands. When I'm on one of the team benches, I have no marred glass in my way... no safety nets in my way... I can even open the door in the boards to get down low to the ice rather than shooting down on Kenzie. Shooting photos at ice events is far more difficult because of all of these aforementioned obstacles when needing to sit in the stands. I always shoot a lot of photos during these practice sessions so, as usual, I came home from this practice session with far more photos than I need. I sometimes shoot video during these sessions and I did on this day too but, for some reason (really multiple reasons), I'm never really hap...