
Showing posts with the label sunsets

A Few Photos from Yesterday

Yesterday was perhaps one of the most beautiful days we've had at the lake. The visibility was noticeably crystal clear... the sun was bright... it was warm... the water was warm... it was quiet... and I was in very nice company! Today, weather-wise, was fair but both Sheila and I were exhausted. We ended up sleeping away most of the day. I had some health issues last night too and that always has a tremendous bearing on the days afterward. Today was no exception. We pretty much just slept and rested all day.  This evening, however, I had some time to sort through some of yesterday's photos... At this point in sharing these photos here I must ask, "Have I mentioned lately how much I love my Sony cameras, microphones, stereos, mp3 players, and televisions?" These photos here remind of just how much I love Sony electronics. It is a joy using cameras which produce such beautiful tonality and color while also providing the fastest and most accurate au...

A Few Photos from This Evening

It has been brutally hot today (I'm still sweating and it is now dark outside) and there were swarms of tiny biting flies whenever the wind died down but we had a really nice day... The view from behind the house as the setting sun reflects off the boats in the yard... I stepped out onto the deck to shoot this shot...  I wasn't out there longer than three minutes before I was completely covered in biting flies...  that wasn't too pleasant!

Lake Landscapes

I have so many photos from our years at the lake house that I don't have a clue what to do with them all! Whenever I go back to look through photos from previous years, I always find a few to share that haven't been shared before.  Lately, we've been talking about schedules at the lake house for this summer... who might want to visit,  who gets which timeframe,  when to schedule trips for resupplying food and drinks, etc. Needless to say, the lake house has been on our minds. It is this time of year when we are both ready for some time at the lake but it is also the time of year when I need to start getting ready for our summer.  I must ensure that all our lake house stuff is ready to go... chairs, canopies, the kayaks, the sailboat, radios, lights, life preservers, etc. Once the snow clears out, I need to get hopping on this stuff.  Of course, most years the snow doesn't clear out until late April or early May...  sometimes not until early June... ...

Consumed with Thoughts of the Lake House

I'm not quite sure why but I've been consumed with thoughts of the lake house lately... when I'm awake and even when I'm asleep and dreaming... all the time. Perhaps it is because my health has been mostly on the poor side since being at the lake earlier in the summer. Lately, my health has been exceptionally poor especially when it is warm or hot outside. I'm overwhelmingly exhausted on most days and can barely keep my eyes open nevermind find some energy to accomplish something small. I'm so exhausted that I find it impossible to stay focused on any task or to even think clearly. I don't know... maybe I simply want to go back to the lake house and do things. Don't get me wrong. I occasionally have a pretty good day. On these rare days, I find that I am using up this rare fairly good health on everyday chores like cutting the lawn, laundry, straightening the house or even showering. It doesn't take much to wear me down to the point of uselessnes...

A Spattering of Photos

We've been so busy that I haven't had many opportunities to share some photos so, while it is raining and the house is quiet because our guests haven't arrived just yet, I thought it would be a good time to share some photos... We had a really nice visit with Tom and Karen for a couple of days. We kayaked the longer length of the lake and explored some marshes and the dam...  Our young airman visited a few times (the one wearing the dog tags)...  One of our many sunsets as viewed from the deck... This shot, below, is a long exposure shot. It was almost completely dark outside but I kept my shutter open for 10 seconds which brightened the sky considerably and it also smoothed out the surface of the lake... a nice landscape shot... The loons (and all wildlife, for that matter) have been rather elusive this year. My latest loon count is at only four loons on the lake this year. Last year we had at least seven... I know this s...