Another Bird Photo and Health Update
I added another snapshot of a bird in our backyard to this year's collection of bird photos... well, this bird is really in our neighbor's yard on his Frisbee Golf basket, not our backyard. I did shoot this photo from our backyard though. This is another photo from my initial test photos that I shot about a week or two ago but I just got around to editing it. This was really a test of the autofocus system while using a new lens adapter but I feel the need to point out the negatives and positives of this image as a whole. I could have used a bit more light on my sparrow's face. The sun was high and behind the bird so that was a problem. I'm not too fond of the bird being perched on a Frisbee Golf basket either. I would have preferred it being perched on a tree branch. Plus, this sparrow is looking out of the frame which forces the viewer to wonder what he is looking at... not a good thing. You want your subject looking in...