Large Scale Kitbashing
I t is another rainy spring day here so I'm indoors for the day. I decided to do a little more work on kitbashing this large scale 4-6-0 steam locomotive. Long ago, I decided that I wanted to add marker lights to the front end of this steam locomotive whenever I got around to repainting and kitbashing it. Back when this type of locomotive was manufactured for real-life railroads, there was no such thing as marker lights on locomotives. Instead of lights, these early locomotives used flags. However, these 10 wheeler locomotives were still in use when marker lights became more common in use rather than flags. If I remember correctly most of these 4-6-0 steam locomotives added marker lights to the lower part of the front end mounted just above the cow catcher where the flags had been located. I seem to remember seeing these older locomotives with marker light mounted this way. However, I've always preferred the marker lights being...