Latest Test Results
T his evening, I was notified of my latest test results... all results were negative and, when it comes to test results, negative is a good thing. PSA - my numbers were low which is a good thing since high numbers are a possible indication of prostate cancer... so, no indications of prostate cancer... good news. Metabolic Panel - all results were in normal range which means no signs of kidney infection. This is a good indication that I don't have a far more involved strep infection... good news. Urinalysis - all results were normal here as well. No blood in urine... all characteristics of the urine was normal... good news. The only remaining possibility that is left is that perhaps I passed a small kidney stone and that caused a fast healing abrasion in my urinary tract that bled only shortly after passing the stone. The doctor said if I see bleeding again, then I will be referred to a urologist. In the meantime, ...