New Display Shelves Installed
A fter five or six half days of cutting, sanding and painting shelves, on Saturday morning, I got started right away on installing these new shelves. I started installing at the top shelf and worked my way down the wall installing one shelf at a time. I had to refine the shape of a couple of the shelves with the belt sander so they fit the wonky wall perfectly but, other than that, this job went relatively quickly. The only casualty is a long drill bit that ended up bent at sharp angles in two places. (Hmmm... I'm not sure I ordered a new set of long drill bits yet...) Now, when you enter this room, there are display shelves on both sides of the door. These new shelves can be hidden safely behind the open door to the room. I might even add a latch to keep that door secured to the shelves when I don't want curious little fingers and hands near my fragile trains. The new shelves can be seen in the photo below. ...