Improvised Refrigeration

I think I had previously written that our big, high end and relatively new refrigerator (I think almost six years old) bit the dust late last week. The icemaker was defective and has been a problem for a few years and that ended up frying our compressor. There was also some other damage to another part that is not replaceable. In the end, Sheila and I ordered a far lower end refrigerator which is scheduled to be delivered on Tuesday. We had to compromise quite a bit in our selection of a new refrigerator. There are not too many choices when you need a refrigerator as soon as possible. The pandemic has put a hurt on the market as well so inventory is far lower than normal too. As we wait for our new refrigerator to arrive, we moved all of our salvageable frozen meat to a cooler and secured it outside in the sub-freezing temperature. We moved all of our refrigerated items to an unheated storage closet in our back hallway. ...