A New Putting Green
S heila and I spent much of the day yesterday doing some rather heavy landscaping work (heavy for us). It was a productive day but all the work significantly impacted my health. More on that later. Yesterday's project was to remove grass from one area and move it to another area so we can have an extended putting green. It is heavy physical work but it was well worth it in the end. We want to add a better putting green in the yard, mostly for Lukey, but we also needed grass in the area in front of our trash shed at the front end of the property. The logical answer was to remove the unneeded grass where we are making the putting green and lay it down in front of the trash shed. I did the removing of sod while Sheila did all the laying of sod. That worked out well. Considering how this affected my health, it would have taken me days to accomplish this on my own. Digging out the grass is tough work even if there are no compl...