
Showing posts from December 29, 2019

Old vs New

When I was a relatively young child, around the time I was leaving elementary school, my grandfather gave me one of his old twin lens reflex cameras.  I had just begun to show an interest in photography and was about to take a class in photography in my new school.  This was still the era of slow and deliberate shooting in photography.  Capturing a single good photo took time and careful planning.  Everything was done manually and deliberately.  These twin lens reflex cameras were  from an era before my time and thus were  all manual as well. My original Bioflex, left, and my new Mint.  The older I grew, the more I realized that Gramps and I shared a lot of the same interests and photography was one of them.  That being said, my father also seemed to have one camera or another in his hands throughout my childhood.   This old twin lens reflex camera (TLR camera), although non-operable, was the first camera that I could call my...