Small Tasks
O ther than preparing dinner like I usually do, I accomplished one small task this evening. As I mentioned in a previous blog entry, I designed a telescope mount pier extension and I am in the process of building it. When I wrote that blog entry, I had just spray painted the parts and was waiting on them to cure. I waited about 48 hours and then started on the next step. I have six 1/4-20 threaded inserts that need to be inserted into six holes. I had pre-drilled these holes before painting but I hadn't double checked the depth of the holes... I simply eye-balled it. Well... as luck would have it... these holes were not deep enough so it was back to the drill press. This evening, I drilled those six holes about a 1/4" deeper. These inserts fit perfectly now. The next step will be to drill holes in the 4-1/2" x 12" pipe that is the actual extension. I have six corresponding holes to drill in that pipe. I ...