A Miserable Day... or, Few Days...
My health has been pretty lousy for the past few days but, today, it declined to the lowest of lows. I awoke exhausted this morning and that is never a good sign of a "good" day. Of course, as I've mentioned many times before, a "good" day for me with my illnesses and spinal injuries is nothing even close to a healthy person's good day. For me, a "good" day means tolerable health... just minimal to average pain... but having enough energy to accomplish something. The past few days have been less than "good". So, I awoke exhausted... that should have been a clear sign of the day that was ahead of me. I didn't see this sign, however, and just tried to muddle through my fatigue. By the time lunchtime arrived, I realized that I wasn't just exhausted... my thoughts were muddled... and my mood was less than socially acceptable. This was the second sign that my health needed attention and, again, I didn't pay much att...