Another Homemade Wreath

W e decorated the house for Christmas, inside and out, on Thanksgiving weekend as we usually do. Hmmm... well, sometimes we do the outside of the house the weekend before Thanksgiving especially if the weather is unseasonably warm but this year we decorated both inside and outside on Thanksgiving weekend so everything was done over the long Thanksgiving weekend. We usually have a few downed fir branches around the house by the time we decorate so that provides plenty of boughs available to make a large wreath for our front door. This year, however, we didn't have a single downed branch nor did we have any that needed pruning so we purchased a small wreath instead. We lose so many branches due to storms that I didn't want to unnecessarily cut down additional branches and especially not for one wreath. We hang small wreaths on all the windows as well as the kids' playhouse and our trash shed and that always looks nice but we like to put a large three foot wreath o...