Lakeshore Limited to Chicago
We boarded the Lakeshore Limited in Springfield, Massachusetts in mid-afternoon after a quiet but nice evening at our hotel. This was our third trip on the historic Lakeshore Limited route so we had a pretty good idea of what to expect... the good and the not-so-good (more on that in another blog entry). Sheila had booked us in two roomettes... one for us, one for Will and Sue. The roomettes have privacy, larger seats, a narrow closet and bunks. These private rooms allow us to spread out a lot more than in Coach. Will and Sue were in a roomette right across the narrow hall from us so we were still able to easily talk with them. The Lakeshore Limited is a "Viewliner" train which includes a few sleeper cars, quite a few Coach cars, a Cafe car, and a dining car. The dining car is located on the opposite end of the coach cars so this means that there is a bit more walking to do on these trains which, for a long cros...