On the Mend with Good Food

My health has been deteriorating consistently since my last doctor visit a month ago. My new specialist (for a little more than a year now) decided to attempt to simplify my myriad of medications. Some medications were eliminated while others were increased. He sort of consolidated similar medications while eliminating one or two he felt might be unnecessary and added one medication that he felt might help. These changes did slightly simplify my four daily doses of medications but, unfortunately, my health has been in serious decline since my last visit a month ago. I was getting more and more groggy, exhausted and weakened with each passing day. I was spending more and more time in the bathroom sick (no more needs to be said about that here). I was dizzy and I wasn't thinking clearly. Oddly, even though I was overwhelmingly groggy, I was feeling exceptionally restless. I was groggy, exhausted and restless all at the same time. I slept... a lot... and still couldn't get ne...