A New and Useful Feature
Face Detection enabled and Eye AF selected. In photography, there are some very basic rules to follow. Yes, rules can be broken at times but there are simply some which should never be broken. The rule about where to set your focus is one such rule. For photos of people, the rule is to focus on the eyes. In particular, you need to focus on the nearest eye. Whenever I miss this focus, the photo is culled and goes into the trash can. Quite simply, if that nearest eye is not in focus, you misfocused and ruined your shot. When your subject is up fairly close to you, focusing on the eyes can be a fairly easy task. On the other hand, when your subject is a little farther away and especially if your subject is moving, this tasking can quickly become a very tall order! You have these little, tiny focus points overlaid onto your camera's screen... you need to ensure the one point that focuses is the one over the eye when the shutter release button is pressed. This can be tough ...