Some new test results...
As some of you already know, I was down in Boston for a short hospital visit with my specialists a few weeks ago. These doctors are the best in the world for my illness and they recently opened the first clinic in the US that is geared specifically to Mastocytosis. Anyway, while we were down there a few weeks ago, a few different tests were ordered. We opted to avoid the tests while in Boston for two reasons. The first reason is there is usually a fairly long wait at the lab. Considering this, it would be much easier to just have the tests done by my primary care physician at home. The second reason I avoided the tests in Boston was because the tests take a lot out of me. Just the four hour drive to and from Boston wears me out considerably. That alone would knock me down. Add these tests into the mix and the drive back home is quite lousy. So, we arranged to have all my testing done with my primary care physician this t...