Painless and Effortless... Hard to Remember...
My health has been rather lousy for the past week with the last few days being the worst. This happens fairly often. Well actually, it happens far too often! Anyway, whenever this occurs, I find myself sitting around thinking about all the things I wish I could be doing instead. I'd rather be building things for the house... I'd rather be active with some hobbies... I'd rather have energy for socializing with family and friends... and I truly do wish I had the energy and health to workout like I used to do every day and not just the basic daily physical therapy I struggle with daily! And, I can't begin to explain how much I miss having a job that I absolutely love. I find myself sitting around trying to remember what it was like to have no pain... to be able to breath easily... to be able to do anything at all without pangs of shooting pain... to have the energy like I did before this illness changed my life completely. ...