Another Cruise on Lake Champlain
While Adam and Joi were visiting us the week before the holiday weekend, we headed up to Burlington for a very nice cruise on Lake Champlain. We do one cruise every summer and had already done one cruise back in June with Lukey and Kenzie but this sightseeing cruise is always a nice time so doing a second cruise this summer received no objections from either one of us. Actually, we jumped at the chance to do a cruise with Adam and Joi. Adam hasn't been here for a visit in quite a few years and he is now married to Joi so it was nice to see both of them again. We met Joi during our cross-country trip on Amtrak a few years ago. That was a great trip and we enjoyed our time with the two of them while getting to know Joi a little better. Now they were visiting Vermont... just before a holiday weekend... at the peak of foliage season... which made for a very busy tourist season in our neck of the woods. Every place...