
Showing posts with the label breathing problems

Do Whatever You Can

B etween typical lousy springtime weather and continued daily struggles with Long-COVID problems, I've been trying to find things to accomplish around the house.   I'm still having more difficulty than usual with breathing problems.  I'm always feeling like I'm trying to clear thick, nasty phlegm from my lungs.  Actually, I am still clearing this thick, nasty phlegm from my lungs (dark nasty stuff) but it is difficult to move this thick stuff and it seems to continue to replenish itself even after I clear some out.  So, this makes breathing difficult which also causes extra fatigue.   Another lingering problem is inflamed joints.  This isn't nearly as bad as it was from January through March but it is still worth mentioning.  As exhausted as I am, the pain continues to keep me up at night and keep me more uncomfortable than usual almost all the time.  I'm always dealing with pain due to my extensive spinal injuries as well as the bone an...

Fever is Back... Again

M y morning started out better than I have experienced since we were in Manhattan last month which was quite a relief for a change.  I was feeling well and I was up an hour before Sheila so I managed to get a few little things accomplished around the house that I had been putting off for more than three weeks because I had been so sick.  I showered and then Sheila got up out of bed. After just an hour of little everyday things around the house that everyone takes for granted without a single thought of how they will accomplish it, that was about it for me. I started feeling exhausted.  I was starving.  Before long, I was dizzy, I was having more difficulty breathing, my vision was narrowing and my peripheral vision was filled with sparkly grayness.  I've experienced this many times, especially in the past year after my previous COVID infection, so I quickly identified it as the cascading symptoms of anaphylaxis.  I grabbed my epinephrine and some of my emer...