Beyond Exhausted

When I got up out of bed this morning, I only got as far as the kitchen (directly from the bedroom while on the way toward the bathroom) before I told Sheila I was already ready for a nap! Since then, all I need to do is walk from one room to another before needing to sit down to take a break to restore some energy. Then I walk another 10-20 feet and I need to sit down to take a rest again. To say that I am "exhausted" is a gross understatement. I am what I would consider to be dangerously low on energy. Since we arrived back home from Manhattan a few days before Christmas, I have spent most of my time either in bed or on the couch. This has been my view from the couch... and, for a change of pace, I sometimes sit in that armchair... Most of the time, I've had a camera or two at my side hence the snapshots here in this blog today. Below is a photo of my favorite camera, my Sony a7 which is about nine years old at this point. I shot this us...