
Showing posts from October 13, 2024

Very Little Accomplished Today

I had a bit of a list of tasks to complete today before the temperatures drop below freezing.  I didn't get any of that stuff done though.  It was far too cold and wet outside today to spend any amount of time out there so I had no desire to head outside to work on everything that has water in it.  Instead, I stayed indoors. I did straighten up the house a bit...  did a load of laundry (although, now that I'm thinking about it, my laundry is still sitting in the dryer)...  and I installed the interior window of our kitchen garden window.  So, I did accomplish a few small things before sleeping all afternoon.  Actually, I didn't start on the garden window winterization until after my long afternoon nap.  Whenever I plan to accomplish something on any particular day, it must be right after waking up in the morning or after a nap.  I run out of energy far too quickly to wait an hour or two so I always jump on any tasks that must be done immediately.  Quite often, I even jump

A Trip to the Hospital

W e had to head up to the hospital yesterday (for me) and, as always, I brought one of my cameras along in case I saw anything worth capturing.  This time I grabbed my compact Fuji X30 camera with its fixed zoom lens.   For those interested, the Fuji X30 is a small camera with classic rangefinder camera styling that was released about 12 years ago.  It has a fixed lens so there is no need for carrying extra lenses.  The disadvantage of this camera is the sensor is smaller than the sensors in my other cameras so the tonal quality isn't as nice as my other cameras.  Nevertheless, it does capture some nice images...  certainly better than any cellphone. Since I was sitting in the passenger seat of the car while we were driving on the highway, the car was moving at 65mph while I was shooting photos.  This meant I needed as high a shutter speed as I could get to avoid any motion blurring due to our speed as well as due to bumps.  Sheila's Honda Accord has a very stiff suspension mak

Top Truss Painted

A fter our visit to the hospital yesterday morning for more testing requested by my oncologist, I did a bit of painting in the afternoon.  I managed to paint the newly constructed top truss of the truss bridge for our little garden railroad.  Painting this bridge is actually quite tedious especially those thinner diagonal supports on this top truss.  It is like painting a wrought iron railing or balustrade...  tedious and time consuming. There is a lot of brushwork...  back side, front side, left side, right side...  of each piece so it always ends up being more time consuming than I thought it would be.  This does no favors for my spinal injuries.  This sort of tedious activity with my hands out in front of me puts so much pressure on my spinal injuries that it takes my breath away and makes it hurt to breathe after just a few short minutes.   I hope to do some additional painting today too.  I think I'll just add more photos to this blog entry until the bridge is in place outdoor