Train Show Statistics

A ccording to the latest news I received from The Amherst Railway Society, the organizers of the annual Amherst Railway Society's Railroad Hobby Show have taken a week off but are now already working on next year's show. The photo, at right, shows the module that won "Best in Show" for this year. It is a section of a larger layout that I highlighted previously in another blog entry (before I knew it won "Best in Show") because I felt it was exceptional. Apparently the judges agreed with me! I just saw in the February newsletter that this year's show had the highest attendance ever! That is saying something because this show is a very popular show every year. This year's attendance was at 27,535. That is a lot of people crowded into four buildings! Of course, we are now post-pandemic and that makes a difference and the weather was good which also makes a difference for those people who are traveling more than a half hour or so. We've been ...