Cooler Weather = Better Health = Home Renovations

The hot, humid weather has finally broken! Let's hope that the rain goes back to normal rainfall amounts and frequencies too! Now that the weather is cooler, I have tons of energy again. That is great news! So, I started working on the house again yesterday. I decided to continue the renovation that involves replacing most of our waste plumbing. In particular, I started working on our new half bathroom yesterday and figuring out how to tie this into my waste plumbing plan. I had replaced all of our supply plumbing a few years ago. That was a major upgrade and I can't tell you how comforting it is to know that all of our supply plumbing is brand, spanking new! Now comes the much dirtier job of doing everything I can to upgrade and fix our waste plumbing (not to mention being a much stinkier job). This waste plumbing project must be completed in order to install this new half bath. Test fitting fixtures... We have almost everything we ...