Backstepping To An Unfinished Project
Today, I installed a new dimmer that has a remote which we can access while in bed... plus, this dimmer turns on the lighting smoothly and slowly... and smoothly and slowly when turning off. Today we backstepped to an old, unfinished project... our new bedroom. Health problems and inclement weather had caused a lot of delays. Health problems are simply a fact and seem to be more of a problem in recent months but I'm still getting little things accomplished whenever a good hour or two presents itself. Trying to get the weather to cooperate with my health is a crap-shoot though and this causes significant delays. Today's task in moving forward with this bedroom project, however, was to jockey things around the house in order to make a clean spot in this room. I had finished quite a bit of work already but the room was filled with tools and leftover construction materials. We needed to find a place(s) to put all this stuff. I had already demolished the old closet and bu...