
Showing posts with the label uno

A Weekend with the Grandkids

The grandkids stayed with us over the past weekend and it was a nice break from all this fun cancer stuff. We haven't had much of an opportunity to spend time with them since the lake house early in the summer so it was nice to spend a whole weekend with them.  Shortly after our time at the lake house, the doctors found Sheila's cancer and our life instantly and drastically changed. We've been at the hospital every weekday getting worn down and then trying to catch up on sleep on the weekends. We both feel as though it has been months and months of grueling nothingness.  There has been absolutely no socializing since the cancer was found except for when Sheila would get an occasional visitor although we haven't had any visitors in the past few weeks. Actually, we've been a bit socially deprived so it was nice to have the weekend with the grandkids. I think we watched about eight Christmas movies over the course of the weekend. And, we played about a bajillion...

A Quick Visit

Liza and the grandkids came to visit Gee yesterday. It was definitely a visit that Gee needed! It was a short but sweet visit. Although short, they managed to squeeze in a few hands of Uno, playing with some trains, opening a box full of new school clothes, and Kenzie got to see her flowergirl dress for mommy's fast-approaching wedding.  We have a day set aside for the grandkids this week... no medical appointments... just fun. If the weather cooperates (a rarity this summer) then we will take the kids on a day cruise. If not, then we'll do some fun indoor activities instead. We're looking forward to it!  

Uno and Trouble with Gee

One night this past weekend, we had a marathon game night with the grandkids while watching a few movies. I'm not really one for board games (I typically avoid them like the plague) but I do enjoy playing Uno and that is what we started with on Saturday. First, Gee had to teach the kids how to play Uno... and, they did better than expected. Shuffling is out of the question, even dealing is out of the question, but they did so well in learning that the following morning Lukey and Kenzie played Uno alone and were actually remembering most of the rules on their own. They did very well! After we tired of about a million four-card-hands of Uno (four cards were far easier for them to handle than seven and the hands went fairly quickly), they switched gears and moved to the classic game of Trouble.  Apparently, they had played Trouble before but definitely needed a quick refresher from Gee. Truth be told, they remembered about as many of the rules as I did! I definitely needed a ...