What Do Kids Find So Fascinating About Trains?
Kenzie is holding up a couple of figurines from my Dickens Village as she watches little people on the train video... Just about everyone knows I enjoy trains and model railroading. I've always been drawn to trains as far back as I can remember. I asked for my first train set when I was only four years old and I have been hooked ever since then. Lukas and Mackenzie were with us today and I couldn't help but notice how excited, entranced and mesmerized they became while watching three videos of model trains that I received just today. They were very animated... jumping... dancing... screaming "dains" as they point at a new train entering the scene on the television screen... making chugging sounds... running up to the television and looking as though they think they could just reach out and grab a train for themselves. I've never seen them so glued to the television for so long! So, what is it about these little models that causes almost all kids to...