
Showing posts from March 8, 2020

Camera Restoration Coming Along

I'm still see-sawing between halfway decent health and rather crappy health.  It seems that this has become my typical winter routine.  I seem to get through Christmas feeling "okay" but then I develop the flu or a cold by New Year's Eve and it lingers until Spring.  This year has been just like that as I continue to oscillate between mediocre health (occasionally) and rather miserable health (usually) which borders mostly on the miserable end of the spectrum.   I think the most difficult thing about this long-term, lingering 'cold' is that even on the few short-lived relatively good days, I am ready to head back to bed by 9am.  The fatigue I am experiencing is absolutely brutal.  The next thing worth mentioning is bone and joint pain as well as a general malaise.  The pain is brutal too but this is a common complaint throughout the year anyway.  Experiencing this pain when feeling lousy in other ways, however, takes a bit more out of you t...