Spinal Injury Reminder

I've often mentioned in this blog about struggling with spinal pain every day. I mention it often because it is a significant daily pain. Some days are better than others, however, some days I use a cane. Some days I can't stand any longer than necessary to move from one spot to another. Even though the pain stops me in my tracks often or even drops me to my knees, the pain has become a 'normal' every day thing so I actually do think of it as 'normal'. I understand that and I accept that. It isn't until I actually see some imaging of my spine that I am reminded of the severity of these injuries and these occasional reminders bring anger to the forefront. Why anger? I get angry because the Air Force dragged their feet while I was in such intense pain that I could not sleep or think clearly. Worse yet, they were actually a bit obstinate in acknowledging even my first line-of-duty injury nevermind acknowledging my extensive injuries flaring u...