Small Project Accomplished!

In my blog post yesterday, I mentioned that getting tasks and projects accomplished around the house the past few months has been difficult, if not impossible, because my energy level is so low. At low energy times like these, just collecting the tools I need for a specific task or project is enough to wear me out for the day. I suppose the first thing I should explain is what I mean by "wears me out for the day" and "no energy"... What I mean here is that I barely have the energy to walk across a room. My legs are weak, wobbly and feel as though they could collapse at any time. I get winded just trying to walk a few feet. Nausea overcomes me. My bones and joints hurt... especially my spinal injuries, but also my ribs, pelvis, legs, knees, ankles and feet. Sometimes my hands and fingers hurt so bad I cannot hold anything without excruciating pain. I drop things... I stumble and trip on things. My energy level...