Some Food Photos
I haven't been eating much lately because of a stomach bug and typical Systemic Mastocytosis complications due to any added cold, flu or bug. I really haven't felt like eating and quite often I find myself holding back puke. Fun. Anyway... I did shoot some food photos recently and I thought I would share them here while I have some time. Sloppy Joes served over mashed potatoes. We had Sloppy Joes a few days ago. To be honest, I'm really not a fan of Sloppy Joes (mostly because good rolls are hard to find around these parts) but we do make them occasionally just for an easy change of pace. After having this for dinner the other night, we had leftovers as usual... I pulled out the leftovers the following day at lunchtime... I took one look at the Sloppy Joes and I just could not stomach another one of those things! I decided to find some other use for these leftoevers. The garbage can came to mind but there wasn't much else to eat in the house at this time! ...