Another Small Step Accomplished
I accomplished another small task this morning with my large scale steam locomotive kitbashing project. I spent about an hour this morning grinding the window panes down to size, however, looking at the photo here, they could still use a bit of finer sandpaper on the edges. That will take only about five minutes though. Grinding down the window panes from their large rough sizes to the finished sizes was a little time consuming. It was easy with my belt sander but it was a bit time consuming. I also ventured outside into the wet, damp, soaked yard to survey some facia damage I noticed last night while grilling dinner. The facia along the back section of the house is so rotted out that the gutter is now falling off the house. These little emergency repairs that continually pop up really screw up accomplishing what I had hoped to accomplish. Our summer season is far too short. A long rainy spring doesn't help any. So, whene...