Cleaning Up Comments Section
I just spent a little bit of time cleaning up the comments section of this blog. I used to check the comments weekly so I could respond to any questions that may have been asked of me but, since the pandemic, I have really been slipping when it comes to effectively managing and updating this blog. This morning I found that there were a bunch of spam comments peppered throughout this blog but they have been now been deleted. I certainly welcome civil comments that are related to the content, however, if any comment includes a link to a business, to a product, to anything remotely resembling spam, it will be deleted. If the comment is unrelated to the content of this blog or the particular blog post, it will be deleted. If I find myself spending too much time deleting comments, I will simply turn off the comment feature on this entire blog. UPDATE - 17 February 2022: I am tired of seeing two blog entries about Zenni Optical in my left hand...